Okay, Teen, you might be wondering to yourself…
”Why do I want to listen to an “old Lady”? “A teacher, I get enough of that at school.” “She won’t understand anything about what I am going through.” “She probably doesn’t even know what TTYL or LOL means.”
I may not understand what you are personally going through, but I have been through a lot.
And you are right, I am an old lady, (fifty-plus but who is counting 😉)
I know what it feels like to not have anyone to talk to or be the “odd” ball.
What’s wrong with being a teacher? I had cool teachers in school – in the old days – LOL.
I have thought “nobody cares about me or what happens to me, I am all alone.”
I do however, know what TTLY and LOL mean. Are they still being used?
One thing I have to offer is, IF you are willing to listen, is a desire to make a difference. I want to show you that there is someone who loves you and gave the ultimate sacrifice so that you will never have to be alone. Someone who will be there for you when no one else is. Someone who wants to know you personally. Someone who wants to be your friend, YOUR BEST FRIEND, that is Jesus Christ.
OK, don’t shut me down yet, give me a chance. I am not asking you to jump blindly into something. Just give me a chance to share with you. If you will stick with me, I believe you will find the answers and True Hope.
In my 35 years as a teacher, I have always believed that the only bad question is the one that was not asked. Many of my students and friends have come to me with questions. I have tried to answer them using simple Bible-based answers and allow them to decide for themselves. I am going to be straightforward with you not give just a “bunch of fluff.” There are going to be things you will not like hearing and some things will challenge what you have already learned.
Every post in Teen Talk will present a question and an answer – Then it is up to you what you do with that information. Keep it, cast it aside, or ponder it.
I hope you stick with me as we begin to explore questions and find answers…until next time.
Your friend, Cora